Introducing #NT2tEU (New Teachers to Twitter EU) Chat
Reading time: 1 minute
5 years ago, myself and David Pollard (@DavidPollardIRL) launched #NT2tEU after a conversation with Julie Szaj (@Shyj). Julie, for those of you who don't know her, is a firm believer that “we are all better together”, a sentiment which both myself and David echo. Julie is what I would class as a truly “globally connected” educator, she is also the host of #NT2t (New To Twitter chat) - an edchat session designed for teachers that are new to twitter. Supported by a plethora of experienced educators, #NT2t aims to help new tweachers (Tweeting Teachers) to navigate the twitterverse by recommending who to follow and how to tweet. #NT2t is also a great place for sharing best practice and exploring how to integrate technology to enhance teaching and learning.
After a 4 year absense, on Wednesday 22nd April (8pm BST), #NT2tEU is back with myself and David Pollard. Each week, a team of experienced educators, including a variety of influential guest hosts, will discuss topics such as how to get the most out of twitter and how to expand your PLN (Personal Learning Network). The topic for this inaugural chat is "How can educators benefit from Twitter and how do I get started?". You can preview the questions below:
After a 4 year absense, on Wednesday 22nd April (8pm BST), #NT2tEU is back with myself and David Pollard. Each week, a team of experienced educators, including a variety of influential guest hosts, will discuss topics such as how to get the most out of twitter and how to expand your PLN (Personal Learning Network). The topic for this inaugural chat is "How can educators benefit from Twitter and how do I get started?". You can preview the questions below:
Join us for #NT2tEU every Wednesday 8pm BST / 9pm CET / 2pm CET.