Teaching Computer Science
Teaching Computer Science next year and not sure where to start? Here is a list of useful resources to get you started:
Schemes of Work
ICT and Computing Curriculum (KS3)
There is a wealth of resources available online suggesting ways in which traditional ICT and Computer Science can be delivered at KS3. Below is an excellent example, taken from TES, on what a KS3 ICT and Computing curriculum may look like.
KS3 ICT and Computing Curriculum
KS3 ICT and Computing Curriculum
KS3 SOW Python
Scratch SOW
This guide, from the creators of Scratch, provides an introduction to creative computing with Scratch, using a design-based learning approach. It is organized as a series of twenty 60-minute sessions, and includes session plans, handouts, projects, and videos.
Creative Computing - a design based introduction to computational thinking.
Creative Computing - a design based introduction to computational thinking.
OCR GCSE Computing Scheme of Work
Mark Clarkson has kindly uploaded his SOW for OCR GCSE Computing which he has been using for the last two years. You can view it by clicking on the link below: Note: To view the resource, you will be required to setup a FREE account.
CAS - OCR GCSE Computing Scheme of Work
Mark has also kindled produced an unofficial guide to support teachers delivering OCR GCSE Computer Science. See link below:
OCR GCSE Computing: An Unofficial Teacher's Guide
CAS - OCR GCSE Computing Scheme of Work
Mark has also kindled produced an unofficial guide to support teachers delivering OCR GCSE Computer Science. See link below:
OCR GCSE Computing: An Unofficial Teacher's Guide
AQA GCSE Computer Science
AQA GCSE Computer Science. Example Scheme of Work
aqa-gcse-compsci-w-trb-sw.pdf |
Computing Curriculum (CAS)
This curriculum, produced by a working party within CAS, describes in concrete terms what a Computing curriculum at school might look like. It uses the same structure as the National Curriculum Programmes of Study: importance of the discipline; key concepts; key processes; range and content; and level descriptors. "It is not cast in stone, so please send feedback. In particular, it is intended to be comprehensible to school teachers (so please tell us if it isn’t)". The CAS Computing Curriculum is endorsed by both Microsoft and Google
computingcurric.pdf |
Computing Qualifications
OCR GCSE Computing: J275
OCR have released their GCSE Computing specification which appears to be accredited. The course consists of 1 written exam (worth 40%) and two 20 hour controlled assessments (each worth 30%). Download the specification below to find out more.
OCR have released their GCSE Computing specification which appears to be accredited. The course consists of 1 written exam (worth 40%) and two 20 hour controlled assessments (each worth 30%). Download the specification below to find out more.
ocr_67830_kd_gcse_spec.pdf |
AQA - GCSE Computer Science
The AQA GCSE Computer Science course is supported by Microsoft and aligned with the Microsoft Technology Associate certifications. Follow the link below to find out more.
AQA GCSE Computer Science
The AQA GCSE Computer Science course is supported by Microsoft and aligned with the Microsoft Technology Associate certifications. Follow the link below to find out more.
AQA GCSE Computer Science
Edexcel GCSE Computer Science
Whilst still subject to Ofqual accreditation, it is envisaged that it will be available for first teaching in September 2013, with the first assessment window June 2015.
Edexcel GCSE Computer Science
Whilst still subject to Ofqual accreditation, it is envisaged that it will be available for first teaching in September 2013, with the first assessment window June 2015.
Edexcel GCSE Computer Science
Programming Resources
- Coding using Python (Don't be put off by the title!): Learn Python the hard way
- An introduction to Python for students and teachers courtesy of Mark Clarkson (Link via CAS Online): Introduction to Python
- The Code Academy - Codecademy, a web-based learning environment currently supporting JavaScript and web programming, Ruby and Python
- Learning Street - Learn how to code by following step-by-step online tutorials (Python, JavaScript, Ruby)
- TouchDevelop - Learn how to create apps and games for touchscreen devices
Computing Hardware
How many bytes in a Megabyte Why is one kilobyte equal to 1024 bytes and not 1000 bytes? This article explains why.
How stuff works - Computer memory How stuff works article on how memory works (also contains several related articles and quizzes):
Your PC, inside and out: Part 1 (Free download courtesy of makeuseof.com)
In this guide Lachlan Roy breaks the computer down into its different components. For each component he describes its function, talks about best brands on the market, explains the different specifications to look out for and provides a bit of history, too. Part 1 focusses on the motherboard.
Your PC, inside and out: Part 2 (Free download courtesy of makeuseof.com)
Part 2 highlights everything you need to know about CPUs, storage devices, memory, graphics cards and other computer components.
How stuff works - Computer memory How stuff works article on how memory works (also contains several related articles and quizzes):
Your PC, inside and out: Part 1 (Free download courtesy of makeuseof.com)
In this guide Lachlan Roy breaks the computer down into its different components. For each component he describes its function, talks about best brands on the market, explains the different specifications to look out for and provides a bit of history, too. Part 1 focusses on the motherboard.
Your PC, inside and out: Part 2 (Free download courtesy of makeuseof.com)
Part 2 highlights everything you need to know about CPUs, storage devices, memory, graphics cards and other computer components.
Computer Communications and Networking
Network Simulator - This great online flash based simulator allows students to create their own network without having to tear-apart your schools network!
Scratch Resources
This set of 12 Scratch cards provide a quick way to learn new Scratch code. The front of the card shows what you can do; the back shows how to do it.
Scratch Tutorials: Click Here
Scratch Tutorials: Click Here
Raspberry Pi Resources
ICT and Computing: Raspberry Pi Resources - Set of lessons and teacher / student guides, courtesy of OCR, for using the Raspberry Pi in classroom.
Raspberry Pi Classroom Guide - A guide to using Python with the Pi (Courtesy of Rob Cunniffe). Link available via CAS Online website.
Raspberry Pi Classroom Guide - A guide to using Python with the Pi (Courtesy of Rob Cunniffe). Link available via CAS Online website.
Royal Institute Christmas Lectures (2008)
Below is a link to the Royal Institution Lectures 2008 and associated resources available from RI. Most of Lecture 2,especially the first and last third, is relevant to teaching about the fundamentals of computer systems and can be shown in sections to the class.
The link below contains full online episodes from the Royal Institution Lectures 2008
Royal Institute Christmas Lectures (2008)
The link below includes short extracts from each of the Christmas Lecture including full transcripts of each lecture and links to useful related resources.
Under the surface - The Royal Institute Christmas Lectures 08
The link below contains full online episodes from the Royal Institution Lectures 2008
Royal Institute Christmas Lectures (2008)
The link below includes short extracts from each of the Christmas Lecture including full transcripts of each lecture and links to useful related resources.
Under the surface - The Royal Institute Christmas Lectures 08
Game / App Development Software
Game Maker: Studio - GameMaker: Studio is the perfect tool to develop casual and social games for iOS, Android, desktop and the web. Many tutorials and resources are available, along with a lot of help from the community.
Touch Develop - TouchDevelop is an online app creation tool from Microsoft Research. Originally designed to develop Windows Phone 7 apps, TouchDevelop has recently been updated as a web app and now allows you to develop Windows Store apps suitable for Windows 8 touch screen devices. TouchDevelop is easy to use and works with several web browsers.
Kodu - Kodu is a new visual programming language made specifically for creating games. It is designed to be accessible for children and enjoyable for anyone. The visual nature of the language allows for rapid design iteration using only an Xbox game controller for input (mouse/keyboard input is also supported).
Scratch - Scratch is a project out of the MIT Media Lab. It allows users to program their own interactive stories and games with animated content. Scratch is specifically designed to make programming accessible for students (they recommend ages 8 and up). The website hosts support materials, user-created content and sample code to help you get started. The Media Lab has a license deal with LEGO to allow users to use LEGO characters in their Scratch projects.
Mission Maker - MissionMaker lets students rapidly create visually 3D rich worlds for first-person 'Missions' - complete with sets, animated characters, dialogue and music.
Stencyl - Stencyl is a free game creation platform that allows students to create 2D games for mobile devices and for the web. The software is also available in paid format. This gives you the ability to upload your finished games to the iTunes App Store.
GameSalad - GameSalad allows members to design, publish and distribute original games without programming knowledge, and play with others across multiple platforms, such as the iPhone, iPad, Mac and any other Internet-connected device.
Alice - Alice is a free and open source 3D programming environment designed to teach students object-oriented and event-driven programming. In Alice, students drag and drop graphic tiles in order to animate an object and create a program. Alice is great for creating an animation for telling a story, playing an interactive game, or a video to share on the web. Extensive support materials are provided.
Quest - Thanks to Quest, you can now create your very own 80's style text adventures. Quest has a variety of uses in education, within a range of subjects and at a range of levels. Best of all, it's free. Perhaps the most obvious use of Quest is within ICT/Computing. Quest provides a gentle introduction to programming concepts – variables, functions, loops, expressions, objects, etc. – and the visual editor means that students don’t need to remember commands or syntax.
Touch Develop - TouchDevelop is an online app creation tool from Microsoft Research. Originally designed to develop Windows Phone 7 apps, TouchDevelop has recently been updated as a web app and now allows you to develop Windows Store apps suitable for Windows 8 touch screen devices. TouchDevelop is easy to use and works with several web browsers.
Kodu - Kodu is a new visual programming language made specifically for creating games. It is designed to be accessible for children and enjoyable for anyone. The visual nature of the language allows for rapid design iteration using only an Xbox game controller for input (mouse/keyboard input is also supported).
Scratch - Scratch is a project out of the MIT Media Lab. It allows users to program their own interactive stories and games with animated content. Scratch is specifically designed to make programming accessible for students (they recommend ages 8 and up). The website hosts support materials, user-created content and sample code to help you get started. The Media Lab has a license deal with LEGO to allow users to use LEGO characters in their Scratch projects.
Mission Maker - MissionMaker lets students rapidly create visually 3D rich worlds for first-person 'Missions' - complete with sets, animated characters, dialogue and music.
Stencyl - Stencyl is a free game creation platform that allows students to create 2D games for mobile devices and for the web. The software is also available in paid format. This gives you the ability to upload your finished games to the iTunes App Store.
GameSalad - GameSalad allows members to design, publish and distribute original games without programming knowledge, and play with others across multiple platforms, such as the iPhone, iPad, Mac and any other Internet-connected device.
Alice - Alice is a free and open source 3D programming environment designed to teach students object-oriented and event-driven programming. In Alice, students drag and drop graphic tiles in order to animate an object and create a program. Alice is great for creating an animation for telling a story, playing an interactive game, or a video to share on the web. Extensive support materials are provided.
Quest - Thanks to Quest, you can now create your very own 80's style text adventures. Quest has a variety of uses in education, within a range of subjects and at a range of levels. Best of all, it's free. Perhaps the most obvious use of Quest is within ICT/Computing. Quest provides a gentle introduction to programming concepts – variables, functions, loops, expressions, objects, etc. – and the visual editor means that students don’t need to remember commands or syntax.
Misc. links and Resources
Computing At School (CAS) Online - Online community dedicated to teaching Programming / Computer Science in school. Contains a wealth of resources including: Schemes of Work, Tutorials and discussions on best practice.
Computer Science Unplugged - CS Unplugged is a collection of free learning activities that teach Computer Science through engaging games and puzzles that use cards, string, crayons and lots of running around.
This video shows an entertaining way to introduce Computer Science to school students.
Top 10 computer science resources courtesy of @teknoteacher and the Guardian.
Computer Science Unplugged - CS Unplugged is a collection of free learning activities that teach Computer Science through engaging games and puzzles that use cards, string, crayons and lots of running around.
This video shows an entertaining way to introduce Computer Science to school students.
Top 10 computer science resources courtesy of @teknoteacher and the Guardian.
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